Monday, February 16

Breweries, booze-ups and bus surveys - councils are useless at them all

At last, we thought, as we headed to the library - a chance to take part in the long-delayed Into Town bus service "consultation."
Like last week, we searched high and low without success - and eventually asked for one of the forms.
"Sorry," replied the librarian, "There aren't any. The person who brings them in hasn't brought them in yet."
Enough, we thought, is enough, so on the way out we stopped at the machine that polls your views on the service you receive in this godforsaken council enclave.
When pressed, the buttons meeped enthusiastically, but as we turned to leave, a receptionist smiled sweetly from the public-proof glass box in which she huddles and mouthed the words ....
...guess what ...
"It isn't working."
Somehow a phrase including the words booze-up and brewery come to mind.
Never mind, there will soon be so few days of "consultation" left that the whole thing might as well be called off as pointless - which is probably the idea anyway.

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