Thursday, October 15

Voting day - and Labour leaflet seems off-target

Today is voting day in the by-election for the Lincolnshire County Council ward of Boston North West, and we hope that all of you who are eligible to mare your 'X' in the box (don't worry, it's not a signature) will exercise their democratic rights.
We've been looking through the blogs of three of the candidates who have been keeping the electorate in touch with their campaigning - the BNP's David Owens, Conservative Andrea Jenkyns, and Liberal-Democrat Mike Sheridan-Shinn, and looking at a couple of leaflets from the non-blogging Labour candidate Pam Kenny. David Owens, who already represents Fenside Ward on Boston Borough Council, tells readers: "It is interesting to note that there seems to have been very little activity in the urban parts of the election district (other than a sudden increase in registered voter's from the EU states), and it leads me to wonder just what are the other parties are actually doing! I have been out and about for the last 4 weeks and have seen the Tories once, Labour on two occasions (delivering the same leaflet, over two weekends) and the Lib Dems twice. To date, I think Labour have put out two leaflets, one of which was a smear against the BNP and the Tories, the Lib Dems two leaflets, and the Tories two leaflets. Don't get me wrong, they may well have done more , but I have not seen it."
For the Conservatives, Miss Jenklyns - who briefly held the seat until Labour's Prospective Parliamentary Candidate Paul Kenny (husband of Pam) managed to get her declaration declared invalid, is brief and to the point. "I am still keeping my campaign positive as I really don't like negativity full stop, I much prefer to concentrate on the positive."
Lib-Dem Mike Sheridan Shinn says: "Its so nice to get such possitive (sic) feedback. It's great to know that people are pleased that The lib-dems are out and about meeting and talking to that phase one of the campaign is complete. Its now time to launch phase two which is very exciting and i know my supporters will like it....... "
We hope that they did, as we have no idea of what it is.
Then we come to the Labour campaign leaflets.
The attack on the Tories is clearly aimed at the hearts and minds of the less fortunate in the ward, pointing out that the toffs want want to bring back fox hunting, increase inheritance tax allowances for the wealthiest 3000 people in Britain, take people off incapacity benefit and on to job seekers allowances - thus reducing their income from the state by £25 a week, make us work longer until retirement, and freeze pay.
Labour, on the other hand, says the flyer, has introduced the minimum wage, concessionary bus passes, a £350 winter fuel allowance (an incorrect figure, according to the Government's own website) child care vouchers, free TV licences for the over 75's, and Surestart centres.
But what we like most about the Kenny campaign is when it switches its venom to the BNP.
"What have the BNP done for you on Witham Ward?" the leaflet shrieks.
Well, we can tell you, Mrs Kenny.
The answer is nothing - because the Witham Ward ward on Boston Boston Council doesn't have a BNP representative - in fact is has two Bypass Independent stalwarts, Graham Dovey and Jim Blaylock.
We assume that Mrs Kenny was launching her attack on Councillor Owens, whose ward of Fenside forms part of the Boston North-West ward on Lincolnshire County Council.
You could laugh if it wasn't so pathetic.
Happy voting.
Tell us the result if you hear it first.

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