Saturday, June 12

PRSA "Why was money held for future use?"

They say that every picture tells a story, and for those of you who like mathematical puzzles, we offer this snapshot of the Boston Sports Initiative accounts to the Charity Commission for the year to March 2009 - the latest available - which you might like to peruse over the weekend.
Just click on the photo to enlarge it.
We have to be honest and say that we can't make head nor tail of things like these.
But a reader who recommended a look at the returns wrote to say:
"I suggest you look at the figures for income over expenses. Why has the council paid over the odds? The cost of governance as £66,000 plus change seems a lot for ONE employee.
"Finally, the figure of £814,000 plus change as retained for future use? What is this for?
"Therefore the council should not have handed over 1.19 million plus the 200 thousand plus the PRSA running costs.
The BSI could have paid off its own loan to Medlock Trust (£1 million) with a smaller loan of £85,000 from the council - not the whole million.
How’s that for a START...someone is misinforming someone somewhere."
So what's the score? If you think you can work it out, please write and let us know.
The Charity Commission page, from which you can read the accounts in detail, can be found here  just follow the links on the left hand side for the detailed accounts.

You can write to us at  Your e-mails will be treated in confidence and published anonymously if requested.

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