Tuesday, September 21

Time for the real independents to come forward

Scarcely had the ink dried on the press release proclaiming that Boston Borough Council had pulled itself up by its bootstraps, than the council leader’s own quill was scratching out a missive of his own.
“Democracy in Boston was in a very poor state before the Boston Bypass Independents stood for election in 2007,” his nib’s nib sputtered.
He claimed that the BBI had “completed or advanced” some thirty*  issues in its manifesto, and continued: We are again determined that the electorate will have a meaningful election next May, and hope to field quality candidates in every ward.”
The letter ends by asking anyone who wishes Boston “to remain a democratic borough and wish to be considered as a candidate” to get in touch.
This latter invitation is the nearest that we have seen to asking turkeys to vote for Christmas.
But we are encouraged by the new policy of fielding “quality candidates” in every ward - even though it may disappoint some existing members who had hoped to seek re-election.
Aside from the fact that no-one in their right mind is likely to return sufficient BBI candidates for them to continue to control Boston Borough Council (we accept that some may have worked hard enough at ward level to merit a second term) Councillor Austin’s pathetic plea should act as a wake up call to the other members of Boston Borough Council.
Judging from the most recent items on their turgid and intermittent blog, the Bostninnies hope to win over local voters by sneering at the Tories and therefore winning votes by default - and we must say that there is no doubt in our mind that the Tories (and the Lib Dems for that matter) will struggle at next May’s local elections.
By then, the fallout from the horrendous cuts to be unveiled next month will well and truly have polluted the political atmosphere, and electors will take their revenge on the national parties the only way they can - by voting against them at local level.
What Boston needs now are true Independents - not the motley mob which currently bends the knee whenever its undemocratic leadership cracks the whip, and is independent in name only.
We have a few independents on Boston Borough Council, but we need more.
It’s also time for the Better Boston Group to nails its colours to the mast.
All it has at present is a name, which tells us nothing at all.
Unless its members plan to throw in the towel come May 5th next year - or seek re-election as individual independents - we need a manifesto from them .
Without one, this group - formed from a disaffected band of BBI councillors- runs a serious risk of vanishing without trace, having made no public impact in council, whatever they may be doing behind the scenes.
To paraphrase the philosopher Edmund Burke “All that is necessary for the triumph of the BBI is that good men and women do nothing.....” you know what we mean.
We need new independent candidates, alternative parties ... whatever it takes to ensure that we sack this useless bunch that currently struts our local political stage.

You can write to us at boston.eye@googlemail.com Your e-mails will be treated in confidence and published anonymously if requested.

* Thirty issues? Would someone please tell us what they are.

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