Thursday, November 25

Pictures that say saving
the town centre may
already be too late

We mentioned yesterday the optimistic report on Boston Town Centre commissioned by Visit Lincolnshire.
Later, we took a stroll around the town centre to see for ourselves some of the places mentioned.
They say that every picture is worth a thousand words, and our montage below, just about says it all.

Click on the photo to enlarge it

Scruffy, neglected shop fronts.
Surely pressure could be put on national chains such as Edinburgh Woolen Mills, Timpsons, Jessops, Thornton’s and the like to keep their shopfronts decently painted.
And look at Marks and Spencer – what a disgrace.
Signage is appalling.
How can character ever be brought back to the Market Place, when shop owners can all but paint their name on a sheet and hang it out of their window?
Look at Strait Bargate. What a mess.
And everywhere, traffic travelling in every direction.
And, of course, the buses.
Two came through 30 seconds apart whilst these photos we being taken.
Boston can never thrive whilst it remains a victim to traffic.
The queues may be diminishing, but the heart of the town should be a haven for shoppers and visitors, rather than forcing them to look over their shoulders at every step in case cars or buses are dogging their heels.
The vision of the report we mentioned yesterday “is that Boston will be the best market town in England.”
These pictures show what an uphill struggle lays ahead.
In fact, we are sorry to say that on the evidence of our eyes, it may already be far too late.

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