Wednesday, March 23

Will "reverse whirlwind"
blow BBI away?

As the election draws ever closer, one of our regular contributors – someone who “counted them in” on election night – is now wondering whether the reverse will be true in just a few weeks’ time … and they’ll be out for the count!
“Will May 5th deliver yet another historic record for the Boston Bypass Party?” the writer asks.
“Will the people of Boston turn out again just as they did in 2007, but this time to sack them?
“The reverse of the political whirlwind would be ironic; in fact one would think it will be a dangerous decision for any of them to stand again, given the abject failure of their term of office.”
Not according to the BBI - but then our contributor’s memory is longer than ours …
“Do any of them really believe that the people will have forgotten ....?
“The central promise to fight for a Bypass was abandoned within weeks of election!
“There was a complete U turn on previously condemned road widening schemes.
“Placid acceptance of Lincolnshire County Council allowing buses in the Strait Bargate pedestrian area.
“The promised financial investigation into the PRSA was dropped, then it was funded again and again!
“The loss of the Athletics Club from the PRSA.
“The insensitive closure of the training pool at the Geoff Moulder Leisure Centre.”
“Dissafection by five founder BBI members.
Put like that the BBI certainly has a hill to climb – and the list is not exhaustive … we omitted a few items out of consideration towards individual members of the BBI.
Our writer reckons that there are at least five BBI councillors who are already packing their cases for retirement.
“If the election evidence collected so far is correct, the present cabinet will be deselected, leaving no leadership.
“If this does come about, what will the next four years be like for any BBI candidate who does get elected?
“How will they expect to be treated by a new administration?
“The chances are it will be payback time.
“My advice to all new BBI candidates, is: don’t stand for election under this tainted banner, why should you carry the can for the past?”
The points raised are both pertinent and interesting, and they beg a few questions of their own.
So far, we have yet to see any sort of manifesto from any of the parties we expect to see asking for our vote.
The BBI was a one note samba – what sort of tune will it promise to play in exchange for a return to office?
The Tories are the next most likely group to win a big chunk of seats.
What promises will they be offering on some of the points mentioned above – such as the PRSA, the Moulder pool and the Bargate buses?
Labour, meanwhile, has been holding a series of “roving surgeries” across the borough on most weekends, since the autumn. The party is in the process of finalising its candidates for the election and will announcing them early next month.
And the Lib Dems? Will they bother to seek our votes at all? We’ve asked, but at the moment, we don’t know.
Our best hope is that plenty of people stand as Independent councillors, prepared to put Boston ahead of party, and bring a breath of fresh air blowing through the corridors of Worst Street.

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