Saturday, November 8

Ice rink gives traders the cold shoulder!

We are often accused of taking too negative a line in our take on Boston.
But sadly that's because we feel there's a lot to be negative about.
Ironically, we were just about to pen a paean of praise to the ice rink attraction that's coming to town in the run-up to Christmas, when we noted the Market Place location.
So earlier today, we braved the wind blown drizzle to find out exactly where it was to be located.
We learned that it will be in the old five lamps area.
But it will not - as one might imagine - be on the paved section that's supposedly for "public entertainment" because the rink is "too big" (full marks for the borough's forward planning there then.)
Instead, we were told that a number of market stall holders will be re-sited for the duration - something that has not gone down well with those we spoke to, as they have been re-sited for the borough's convenience so many times before.
We asked some of the same questions that they had already put to the jobsworths.
Wouldn't The Green be a better location?
Sorry, that would cost the council precious parking revenue.
How about the area used by the farmers' market stalls?
Sorry, that would get in the way of the magic buses.
Apparently, no one thought of using the Central Park, which with a bit of imaginative input from the borough (oxymoron alert!!) would create a near perfect location.
One stallholder told us that the council cares nothing about moving them wherever it pleases to accommodate other attractions - but couldn't care less about the people who contribute heavily to the local revenue and create a magnet for locals and visitors alike every week of the year which brings an incalculable financial benefit.
A while ago, the council famously got it wrong when it decided to create parking for the new bus service on Fish Hill - because it hadn't measured up properly (no pun intended!!)
It would not surprise us to learn that the ice rink will not be able to be located in its planned position because the site is not level enough.

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