Monday, June 8

"Boston no longer backs BBI" - Brian Rush

We promised you comment on the election results, and before our own, which will appear tomorrow, here's one from Better Boston Group member Councillor Brian Rush.
"This result was a confirmation that the people of Boston no longer support the Bypass Independents," he writes.
"To be trounced five one shows how out of touch this 'party' have become.
"Since election day some two years ago, they have sat on their political hands and done nothing to help this town, they have ignored the views of the people at every turn.
"But on election night, well, this was the people's turn.
"We witnessed the evaporation of support for what was once billed as the People's Party. Buoyed on by false hope on the 3rd of May 2007 the people of Boston got out of their armchairs and made the pilgrimage to the polling booths.
"This was to be the dawn of a new age for Boston, revolution was promised, and everything was suddenly possible.
"No longer would we play second fiddle to all the other towns in Lincolnshire, no longer would we tip our hats to the arrogance of county officialdom.
"The Boston Boys were coming!
"We would kick down the doors of County Hall and demand funding for a bypass ... we had been patient for far to long.
"No half baked, rat run, distributor road, made with a couple of buckets of Tarmac!
"No ineffective Bob the Builder road widening.
"The whole county, nay the whole nation, would hear our clarion call.
"The country would hear for the first time Boston's battle cry, A Bypass For Boston! A Bypass for Boston!
"Then on the fourth of May everything went ominously quiet, a deafening silence shattered the dream.
"Those previously promised, ever open ears, were almost immediately closed and blind eyes turned.
"History began repeating itself, nothing was changing. The bypass chant muted and diluted.
"Things we were told, were not as it had seemed, not so possible anymore, there were other considerations, protocols to follow, issues to discuss, reasoning must be the order of the day, partnerships must be built, blah blah blah!
"Self protectionist united voting, disregard of mayoral traditions, cowardly acceptance of unpopular bus routes, continuance to fund PRSA, support for underused arts centre, renewed acceptance of condemned road widening, withdrawal of support for needy causes etc etc. etc.
"The result of such arrogance was, two lost by-elections, five resignations, and now five humiliating defeats, and one skin of his teeth success for Major (Rtd) Newell - and Lincoln's going to learn to love him as much as we at Boston do (let's see how he feels about being a group of one!)
"Oh! yes it really is again the turn of the people of Boston, and they have spoken; a new chant is on its way - Bye Bye, Boston Bypass Independents.
"Peter Paine was, unlike May '07, strangely uncrowded, an absence of excitement filled the air, and the presence of a meagre group of four Boston Bypass Candidates, with three supporting bypass councillors, along with the ever pleasant Mrs Clare, supporting Councillor Clare in yet another personal disappointment.
"So where were the other 11 Boston Bypass Councillors, and their partners and families, why were they not there to throw a consoling arm around these poor defeated souls, and congratulate Councillor Major (Rtd) Newell on his massive majority of 11 votes.
"Maybe they, like everyone else in Boston are fed up to the back teeth with the leading lights of bypassers, who only excel in bypassing public opinion.
"But not this time.. "

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