Friday, August 20

Week ending 20th August

Our Friday miscellany of the week's news and events
Pigs might fly ...We could scarcely believe our eyes. A letter in the Boston Target, signed by A. Austin of Wyberton, apologised to the town for voting to end weekly bin collections when the decision was taken by Boston Borough Council.  Silly old Boston Eye. It was a few minutes before we realised that this A. Austin was former Conservative Councillor Anthony Austin, who was ousted from power in Boston South by a namesake with the same initial who as far as we know has never apologised to the voters for anything and probably would never think of it.
No experience necessary ... A less than enthusiastic reaction from one local who checked out Council Leader Richard Austin’s heavily self promoted “Boston Experience” website. The visitor cited shortcomings with opening times at the Guildhall, the shabby appearance of Central Park, patchy opening times for the swimming pool, untidy streets and a fish dock that takes a mere couple of minutes to visit. Added to that, the writer points out that many of the attractions mentioned are nowhere near Boston. Another success story for the BBI, then.
World Wide Where? ... “New website to showcase community event,” trills the Boston Standard, directing us to visit  for all the news of the town’s annual event. There’s just one problem. Follow the link and you’ll be told that there is a problem loading the page an that the server cannot be found. Words fail us.
Just the ticket .... Congratulations to Boston’s Magnadata, which has been awarded a five year contract by to produce magnetic rail tickets for all the UK Train Operating Companies. The contract is worth £24 million and will help increase the group’s turnover to around £34 million year. All the tickets will be produced in the town, where 220 people are employed at one of the largest ticketing and labelling printing companies in the UK.
JHare today
Hare today ... An apology in the Boston Standard to local writer Ty Dalby regrets a mix up which instead of calling his song “Mr Have Gumshield Will Travel,” referred to it as “Mr Hare Gumshield Will Travel.” For once, we’re relaxed about an error in our local papers. With a title like that who gives a monkey’s?
Off Target 1... Two slips in the same story in this week’s Target made us smile. The headline over a story about a the Placecheck Scheme, which uses criminals to clear litter, was referred to as the “Paycheck Project.” Who says crime doesn’t pay? And our smile became a grin when we read: “The High Sheriff ... whose role dates back to 900ad, told the Target ...” He’s wearing well for someone who’s 1,110 years old!
Off Target 2 ... Finally, the advert below caught our eye, and made us wonder what their proofreaders do all day...
Is this the fate worse than death, perhaps?

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1 comment:

Mick Taylor said...

Hmmmm... is it their misprint or yours?