Thursday, September 23

BBI has made Boston “laughing stock of the county”

Monday’s piece about the death knell sounding for Boston’s hopes of a “distributor” road (we never had a snowball’s chance in hell of getting a bypass anyway) produced a cynical and stinging response from Better Boston Group Councillor Brian Rush.
He writes:- “Your article regarding ‘Independent’ Councillor Newell’s question about the prospects for a `Major` road improvement for Boston, should now finally convince each and every one of the BBI, that for three years they have not only been riding the wrong horse, they`ve not even been in the right race.
“Councillor Richard Austin and the ruling Boston Bypass Party has had the door firmly slammed in their faces by Lincolnshire County Council Executive for Highways William Webb (Conservative).
“Councillor Austin`s early explanations that he had sought and accepted advice that a distributor road ‘would be more easily delivered and equally effective,’ convincing him therefore to capitulate on the electoral promise to fight for a bypass, which, he claimed, was only aspirational anyway, everybody knew that!
“We are now informed that we are back again in a very long queue, with no commitment now even for a distributor road.
“Funds will now be spent providing Lincoln’s own road priority of an eastern bypass.
“Unfortunately it is the people of Boston Borough who put their faith in the BBI, expecting them to at least put up a fight to deliver, it is they who are the greatest losers of this political pantomime.
“If BBI councillors did not believe it before, they must surely believe it now, Councillors Austin, Jordan, and self-styled Conservative critic, Councillor R. Newell have shown themselves as political disasters.
“Since their rise to power our town`s prospects, and indeed reputation is now lower than ever before, we have become - no, they have made us - the laughing stock of the county.
“The blind loyalty of all BBI councillors, who guffawed at the warnings being made by us and others, and regularly rejoiced in booing suggestions made by my colleagues and myself, must now surely re-examine the folly of their actions and misguided support.
“No bypass, OK it may have been a big dream.
“But now, no distributor road either. That has to be the final embarrassment.
“Traffic wise, what has the BBI term of office given us?
“A cosmetic revamp of an historically dysfunctional road, fraught with immovable roundabouts, and so contained by buildings and barriers, that it is structurally impossible to meaningfully alter.
“Even if it does help reduce traffic build up, tho' I doubt it will, the effect will be short lived. How long before any advantage is swallowed up simply by the speed of natural growth of vehicle usage? We will soon be backed-up to where we started.
“BBI councillors should also look at the massive damage that is being done, in their name, to the infrastructure of Strait Bargate, by unsuitable and constant movements of buses, so casually accepted by them, despite protests and differing opinions offered.
“They were told long ago, to be wary of the paltry financial offerings of Lincolnshire County Council for ‘short term traffic improvements’. They preferred instead to believe Councillor Austin, saying, ‘accepting these improvements would assist in delivery of our long term aspirations.’
“Heralded as well by Lincoln ‘as a great gesture in recognition of Boston’s traffic chaos.`
Bunkum and Bunkum.
“That of course was a complete fudge, simply to avoid providing a realistic and practical traffic solution for our Town, and Councillor Austin jumped willingly into the sticky stuff.
“They refused to listen again when it was suggested that the ‘finance’ being provided will one day be thrown up in our faces, and be described as a very generous grand gesture by LCC for Boston.
“This finance would actually reduce the pressure on Lincoln to provide us with a proper solution.
“Well, on Friday 17th of September 2010 it happened ... no distributor road and a reminder that we had received 7.5 million quid of road improvements......
“I wonder what Councillor Webb (Conservative), was thinking as he responded to (Conservative Critic) ‘Independent’ Councillor R Newell`s request for a progress report on the issue of a bypass, oops ... distributor road?
“I wonder what 'Independent' Councillor Newell (Con. Basher) was thinking as he listened to (Conservative) Councillor Webb dismiss his request. Perhaps the Major thought he heard a bell toll.
“I am sure every Tory in the County will join me in calling out Dong! bloody Dong!

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