Thursday, November 18

Market Place plan
puts ex-MP in a spin

We like a writer with a sense of humour – which is why we like the e-mail below, one that has purportedly arrived from beyond the grave.
The writer may be long dead – but the points he makes are still very much live issues.
Read and enjoy….
 “Dearest Boston Eye,
“I have, over many years, seen much happen in Boston that shames and shocks me. Much of the historic town has been destroyed by local government decisions. The centre of my home town was ripped out with the building of the 'bypass' through the heart of the town in the 1960s, and in that era many of my old haunts have been demolished to provide boxlike structures ... the Peacock and Royal, Red Lion, New Theatre, the Livestock Market, much of High Street and West Street have gone..
“I understand from my supporters that the Market Place is yet to have another 'makeover' (a current phrase I'm told.)
“I have stood on my pedestal now for 148 years looking at the gradual destruction of this once thriving industrious market town, and I am saddened.
“The proposal being discussed appears, I am led to believe, to warrant turning me into a traffic island!
“It has been enough to have had to watch the lowering of standards in my resting place at the Victorian Cemetery (why are birds considered so important in this era instead of people - and council officials who are RSPB members allowed to slew management decisions?)
“But to now have further 'improvements' imposed on the heart of the town horrifies me.
“I know that it may seem selfish of me, but in my day the purpose of the council and its MP (as I once was...and did a grand job I believe) was to firstly listen to all the people, and not just those who have a financial interest (tho' I was sometimes a little guilty of this myself in business) and secondly to have the good of the town as its aims.
“There appears these days to be little 'people power' and a lot of power wielded by council officials who are, of course, unelected; in particular the imposition of 'regulations' designed (by someone?) to keep people safe - the Health and Safety and Environment (it meant something very different in my day) Industry.
“I would hang them if I still had influence but I do not! (I have just been informed that capital punishment has been gods!!)
“Do the people of Boston have no interest in using their franchise to vote? Are they so lazy as to allow these politicians to get away with these decisions? I am shocked. We Liberals fought long and hard for these rights and now I see them being abused or ignored.
“Wake up citizens of Boston.
“Herbert Ingram Esq (Deceased)”

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