Sunday, October 5

By gum, that's what we call great news!

So, Boston borough council has spent £7,000 on a machine to remove chewing gum from the town's pavements.
Council Leader Richard (Papa Dick) Austin says with characteristic understatement: "This is
great news for Boston" ( quite what hyperbole he is keeping back in the unlikely event that the town ever gets a by-pass, we shall probably never know)
He goes on: "Tidying up the town centre is something I am passionate about."
What a shame that the leader's passion does not extend to the rest of the town, which is where the bulk of the people who pay their council tax live.
The local papers have made much in recent weeks of the appalling state of the waterways which run through the town, and which anywhere else would be regarded as a jewel in the civic crown to be cherished rather than used as an open sewer in the style of our medieval ancestors.
But it's not only the town's unique assets that are being abused in this way.
Walk through any street in Boston and be appalled by the level of litter on the pavements and in the gutters.
Still, as Councillor Austin can probably testify more so than most, as one gets older, gum problems become ever more irritating!

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