Thursday, April 30

Another acronym under the microscope

Hard on the heels of the news that the Boston Area Regeneration Company is under fire comes news that the quango that helped establish it is being investigated by MPs.
East Midlands Development Agency (EMDA), the government body responsible for boosting the region, will be looked at by members of the new East Midlands Select Committee which will hold its first hearing in Nottingham rather than at Westminster.
EMDA was set up 10 years ago and has spent almost £1bn - but critics claim it is not accountable.
Its original purpose was to invest in businesses and projects which would benefit the wider economy.
BARC, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the council, is a lot newer, having been created in April 2006, since when it has been responsible for more than £1 million
of investment in Boston.
It is under attack for its "lack of strong financial management and financial reporting," undocumented and unclear financial procedures, grant applications that don’t meet the required standards and contracts that weren't signed until they had already come into force.
And although we couldn't possibly comment, a screen dump from Boston Borough Council's website taken on 23rd April produced the picture that says a thousand words (below.)
Someone obviously noticed what we did ... because it was changed a couple of days ago!
Was someone sneakily commenting ... or was there just a slip of the cursor when the link was created?
We leave you to decide!

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