Tuesday, April 28

Bypass campaign group chief calls to lobby county

More today on the bypass debate from one of the main campaigners.
"We are now entering the season where every political party is either blaming the other for not doing anything or trying to take the credit for something which they had little to do with.
"The Conservatives keep attacking the present Boston Borough Council ruling party for not getting on with a bypass yet when they were in control in Boston it took the Bypass Pressure Group to convince Lincolnshire County Council to go ahead with a traffic survey.
"The Boston Bypass Independents are now claiming responsibility for turning off the lights at Liquorpond Street and Wide Bargate, but this was agreed under the Transport Strategy before their time and, indeed, was a part short term improvement suggested many times.
"The only credit Councillor Richard Austin can claim is the routing of buses through Strait Bargate. The improved buses were agreed in the aforementioned strategy, but not through the pedestrian area, which was over 90% a non starter from a public consultation.
"Prior to being elected, Councillor Austin was quoted as saying that the road widening would be a waste of money. He nows says that this widening must take place before a bypass/distributor road can be considered. Presumably these are his thoughts as there is no mention of this being a requirement before submitting an application for a bypass. Indeed, if the road widening goes ahead, any thoughts of a bypass could be years away, and we have said time and time again the £10m should be used towards the first part of a bypass.
"The resulting traffic chaos and gridlock will bring further misery to the residents of Boston and vehicles passing through. Traders will lose more trade in these already difficult times and to what end? This road widening only takes one direction of flow. Perhaps someone would consider the flow from the A52/ A1121 through Sleaford Road. This can have tailbacks far past the Tesco area.
"The real crunch though, comes when we consider the actions Lincolnshire County Council are taking in preparing the next five year Local Transport Plan.
"Included in this are details of the progress on major schemes and under Boston are two entries - Boston road Widening and Boston bus related work.
"No mention of a distributor road.
"However the following schemes are listed:- Lincoln Eastern, Lincoln Southern, Lincoln East West Link, together with Grantham Southern Relief Road which it is understood will be funded from growth point funding.
"Schemes under investigation are:- Skegness Relief Road, Stamford Bypass/Relief Road and the Spalding Western Relief Road.
"Perhaps we should all contact our County Council representative and ask why Boston is being left out once again.
"We are now in a far worse position towards getting a bypass than when the BBI came to office.
"Until pressure is put upon Lincolnshire County Council once again we will never get a bypass.
"They are the ones dictating the order, and Boston Borough Council has little say in the matter."
Michael Borrill
Vice Chair
Boston & District Bypass Pressure Group

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