Tuesday, June 23

End this "Independent" myth

We wonder just how much longer the Boston Bypass Independents can continue to maintain the myth that they're nothing more more than a group of independent councillors united by the common call for a bypass for the town.
They've clung to this unlikely claim every time they are accused of high handed activity, and are doing so once again in the latest row over the filling of committee positions by opposition parties.
The opposition has reacted in a forceful way - by refusing to take up any roles as chairman or vice chairman of committees in protest. Good for them.
Council leader Richard "Papa Dick" Austin is quoted as saying that the opposition was offered five out of seven chairman and vice chairman posts available to them.
"As a group of independents we are sorry to hear of the stance taken by the opposition. Our hope is to work with councillors to improve services for the people of Boston, which is at the end of the day the most important thing and the reason why we were all elected."
That all sounds very fine, but the leader's words are somewhat tarnished by the recent comments of his deputy Peter Jordan who attacked the Better Boston Group's opposition to the use of Strait Bargate by the Into Town bus service and asked: "Why is the Better Boston Group voting against the continuation of the traffic order in a recorded vote at the last Boston Borough Council meeting when the service is clearly better for Boston Borough Council?"
Not the people then?
We've said it before, and we'll say it again, you cannot have a council of "independents" when it operates a structure which has a leader, a deputy, portfolio holders and all the other fol-de-rol.
George Orwell said it in a nutshell in "Animal Farm" when he wrote the memorable phrase "all animals are equal ... but some animals are more equal than others."
In Orwell's book, the animals were pigs, but in the case of the BBI the more appropriate quadrupeds are sheep, for the rank and file members of the party do exactly what is demanded of them by their leaders. So much for independence.
Let's not forget that the core of the problem which has led to the stance taken by the opposition councillors on Boston Borough Council was a BBI attempt to block the nomination of two former party, who fell out with the leadership and set up another party.
Such petty spitefulness is quite despicable, and not what we expect from mature elected councillors who claim to have the interests of the people at heart.
In fact the whole thing smacks of self-interest rather than the opposite.
It really is time for the BBI to grow up, and for the rank and file membership to act with a truly independent voice rather than follow orders from the leadership in such a slavish fashion.
Or perhaps they are too scared?

You can write to us at boston.eye@googlemail.com Your e-mails will be treated in confidence and published anonymously if requested.

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