Monday, June 29

Why councillors should blog

One of the mountains of surveys currently on offer to the Boston public from the borough council asks whether people would like to see webcasts of council meetings.
In one way it's a good idea because it brings transparency to the murky world of local government, acting as an open door to the stuffy council chamber.
But in another sense it's not so good because it would encourage the prima donnas among the membership, and dissuade the shy members (and there are some) from speaking out.
But transparency is still needed. and in our electronic age, a blog is much better.
It gives our representatives a human face, rather than merely being members of "the council" - that homogenised brew of parties and personalities that always gets the blame and is never given the credit.
It's also possible for councillors to nail their colours to the mast - on council issues overall, and also things specific to their wards.
This way both the ward electorate and the broader swathe of voters can see what Councillor X thinks about issues - and more importantly, what he/she is prepared to do about them.
Tomorrow, we'll be looking at one such blog (and as far as we know, the only blog produced by a member of Boston Borough Council) and see how it's possible to inform and encourage local debate.
It also brings into the public domain issues that might otherwise go unreported - let's not forget that our local papers aren't as exhaustive in the coverage of local government as they should be.
It's an example that we think more councillors should follow.
PS - if we're wrong and there is more than one blogger at Worst Street, please let us know, and we'll place a link to it.

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