Monday, September 21

If you call this "information" - don't bother!

Why is it that Boston Borough Council seems obsessed with keeping its cards close to its chest?
To a degree, we can understand it when certain committee agenda items are discussed in secret using the often flimsy facade of "commercial confidentiality" or staffing issues.
Having said that, where the livelihood of the council's staff is concerned, it is wrong to deny the very people affected that chance to hear what is being said about their future or lack of it.
That debate could go on and on.
However, there are other, more mundane, things that the council should be keener to share with is than it is.
For example, last week's local papers gave us just 24 hours notice of a public meeting to discuss ideas to revamp Boston Market Place at a cost of £2 million.
Nothing appeared on the borough website, but as we suspect that few people bother to access it, that wouldn't have made much difference.
Expect now to be told that hardly anyone up, which shows that the locals aren't interested in the town and all the usual guff - leaving the council with carte blanche to come up with yet another uniimaginative redistribution of flagstones to allow the Into Town buses unfettered access to Strait Bargate.
It was the same with the earlier "consultations" in the Market Place.
The first of these was announced in the local papers on the day they were taking place - almost as though there had been a deliberate attempt to ensure that as few people as possible saw the message and went along.
The latest feeble attempt at communication was late on Friday afternoon, when the following (reproduced in all its clunky originality and unnecessary capitalisation) appeared on the borough website.
"The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight will take place at 12.30pm this Sunday, September 20 above Boston Market Place, following the Sunday Battle of Britain Memorial Service at St Botolph’s Church at 11.30am. Group Captain Hitchcock and Squadron from RAF Coningsby, Presidents from the Ex-Service Organisations and the President of the Royal Air Forces Association, Mr Bob Cory, will all be in attendance. Following the service the Parade will march off through the Market Place and the Mayor and Station Commander will take the salute on the Saluting Base alongside Boston Mayor Cllr Maureen Dennis. During the march-past there will be a fly-past by Battle of Britain Memorial Flight."
Again, thanks for the notice. You only know about this if you read the borough website, and as far as we can see the news did not reach the newspapers to reach a wider audience.
Not only that ... but just how badly written is this piece of "communication"
"The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight will take place...."
The flight is not an event, but a feature of the service at the Stump, and the name of the group of veteran aircraft based at RAF Coningsby.
We're pleased that the flight will take place over the Market Place, as any attempt to do it any lower might have serious consequences.
And the salute will take place at the saluting base. Whew!
Late information, badly written, innacurate, stating the obvious.
Not only that, but the fly-past - when it took place - only featured the Spitfire ... not the complete flight as billed.
Well done, Boston.

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