Friday, September 18

Week ending 18th September

Our Friday miscellany of the week's news and events
(G)Lib letter ... Councillor John Marriott, leader of the Lib Dems on Lincolnshire County Council, enters the war of words over the Boston North West by-election. For some reason, he thinks it strange that the candidate elected in June polled barely a quarter of the votes cast for the seven candidates. This strange inequality in the British voting system has existed since elections began. We think that it's high time that the Lib Dems at County and local level got on with some real campaigning, and stopped nipping around the fringes. Whatever, we find it hard to take seriously a "leader" with just four followers. Quorate .... but only just!
Still with Boston North West, we wonder whether the John Ruskin who has written to the local papers to belatedly urge all parties to refrain from standing next month, so that ex-councillor Andrea Jenkyns is returned unopposed, is the same former member for Pilgrim Ward, who quit mysteriously and caused a by-election in Boston borough's Pilgrim ward back in June. If he is, he shows a lack of understanding of the political mindset that leaves us unsurprised that he chose to leave politics.
Missing (not in action) ... a reader writes of Councillor Major (retired or not, depending) Ramonde Newell's failure to comment on the Queen Street road plans or attend the meeting where they were on the agenda: "Maybe he still thinks that the BBI are against road widening and only remembers his Leader's past election statement .. that this is a big waste of money, will cause years of traffic chaos, and will do nothing to alleviate traffic flows in Boston. He is one dedicated County Councillor eh! Changes groups too get on Highways and then stays at home.
Deaf as a PCSO ... Week after week we marvel at the inability of the borough's police community support officers to get to grips with the concept that people want to meet them in the street, not to have to travel to some cozy "surgery" where these chubby chocolate soldiers can dunk their digestives whilst we do their job for them. This week sees yet another such story. Let's hope that Lincolnshire Police don't come the old soldier at council tax time and whine about how much more money they need to maintain their so-calling policing of the county.
Fashion plates ... We've often lamented the pitiful state of Boston Library in the past, but not any more. Just think how much better things will be come November when the staff don their lilac and black outfits which are costing the taxpayers £15,000 across the county. A spokesman for the county tells us "This is a good news story for our customers." Why? apparently staff will soon be spending more time "on the floor" with customers rather than sitting behind their desks. Hands up if you'd prefer to see a few more books on the shelves.
Figure this ... In the endless pursuit of mediocrity and dumbing down information, we note the increasing use of smiley green faces, or red ones with down-turned mouths to indicate whether or not a particular activity is going well. But which bright spark came up with this to symbolise equality?

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