Monday, November 23

BBI "failed to prioritise bypass"

The "official" news in last week's Boston Standard that the town won't get funding for a bypass for at least ten years sent a shockwave rippling through last week's Policy and Projects Committee meeting.
We assume the report came from the item headed "Transport Strategy for Boston 2006 to 2021 and beyond – progress update: A report by Lincolnshire County Council."
Unfortunately, as mere members of the public, we weren't able to read the report, as for some reason it refused to download, and our pleas to the powers that be to do something about it were ignored.
Councillor Brian Rush, of the Better Boston Group, felt the publication of the report showed yet again the uselessness of the Boston Bypass Independents Party.
In an e-mail, he wrote:
"Dear Boston Eye,
"The most amusing incident at the meeting was the naivety of Councillor Richard Dungworth as he held up this week's Standard, and asked the Highways Officers in attendance to explain the front page feature that the bypass issue was dead!
"I think it was an attempt by this hapless character, to be seen to be angry with such news.
"It appears not to have sunk in that ever since the election, the BBI have done nothing to prioritise the very item that they had been entrusted to deliver, and instead now roll over and accept the 'seriously flawed and ineffective' road widening scheme condemned by the whole BBI Group.
"Foolishly, preferring to stand shoulder to shoulder with Councillor Richard Austin as he slithered around Martin Hill, and William Webb at County.
"I know of not one single election promise that has been kept, and Councillor Dungworth is challenged to remind me of any.
"He should cast his mind back to May '07, if only to understand that those first few euphoric days and weeks, presented the biggest opportunity for this town to get the bypass on the agenda.
"What was needed, and in fact was promised, was strong, deliberate visible action.
"But it just never happened!
"I accept that such tactics may still not have resulted in the yearned for success, but at least the people of the borough would have appreciated the valiance and bravery of such an attempt.
"He and his colleagues still refuse to accept that they chose the wrong path, they cannot, or rather will not admit that kowtowing to Lincoln, actually played straight into the hands of the County, and we end up with another useless waste of funds.
"Unlike a large number of Johhny come lately BBI Candidates, who appeared pre-election, original Boston Bypassers were frustrated by these cowardly an ineffective acts, orchestrated by Councillor Richard Austin. We had already experienced his self interested double standards when elected to County, so were not surprised.
"It is ironic though, that the previous condemnation of the road widening scheme which assisted the Bypass group's successful election, will now also become another of the many reasons for their failure come May 2011."

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