Tuesday, February 9

Deal ... or no deal?

Back in November last year, Boston Borough Council was proclaiming a new move to get to grips with the various crises that it faced.
It advertised a new post - for a Director of Resources & Section 151 Officer at the astonishing salary of £87,500, and appointed
a company called Veredus, who are "leading providers of executive recruitment, interim management and business psychology to the public, private and not-for-profit sectors," to find the right person for the job, which had no fewer than 36 main duties and responsibilities.
The advert proclaimed that the candidate would "provide inspired and determined leadership as we strive to become a better performing council, focused on working with our partners, to secure the right outcomes for local people."
It also promised the applicant "the space to establish a new approach to efficiency and value for money that not only supports but drives transformation across the Council and the Borough."
We noted at the time the advert appeared that the only problem with all of this is that places like Boston are notoriously not known as magnets for applicants of the quality being sought, and we wonder whether this has proved to be the case.
The closing date for applications was 27th November 2009, with a meeting to draw up a long-list meeting being held within days.
Preliminary interviews were planned for the week commencing 7th December 2009 with shortlisting being done the same week and the final selection process on the 14th and 15th December.
The recommendation of the member panel was subject to ratification at the meeting of the council on 16th December, and sure enough it appeared on the agenda of a special meeting as one of two confidential items from which the press and public were banned.
However, when the minutes of the meeting appeared there was only mention of one of the two items - the creation of a personal achievement award .... the first of which is to go to Mick Dawson for his heroic attempt to get as far away from Boston by rowing boat as possible.
Not a word about the previous meeting's other business. Nothing to even say that an appointment had been made - if indeed that was the case.
The meeting started at 6-30 pm and lasted a mere twenty minutes.
The advertisement for the appointment was not easy to find -  some said at the time that its placment bordered on the secretive - and now we wonder whether in fact the job has been offered to someone, as almost two months after after the declared selection date we have heard nothing.
Perhaps someone can tell us.

You can write to us at boston.eye@googlemail.com  Your e-mails will be treated in confidence and published anonymously if requested.

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