Monday, February 22

The future's blight ... the future's red!

There's been a warning that Boston Eye's recent blog on our almost silent county councillors exposes real dangers for the next round of local elections.
It comes from Boston Borough Councillor Brian Rush, who represents the Better Boston Group.
"If opinions are correct, and we see the total annihilation of the BBI within the borough, could we be faced with a similarly dangerous repeat of those '07 elections?" he asks.
"Will the chamber once again be dominated by inexperienced councillors - this time from the Conservatives?
"I am certainly not recommending that voters should even consider re-electing any of the BBI - if any borough ward were to do so, it should be dug up and renamed Austin Island and cast adrift in the Wash with himself as the captain.
"So what if ... Councillor Richard Austin had stood strong when he was first elected to the county?
"What if ... election promises not been discarded so easily?
"What if ... the brave fight that was promised by his large group of so-called Independents had been allowed to 'cause shock waves in central government' and County Hall had been taken by the political whirlwind?
"What if ... he and his then borough deputy, Peter Jordan, had not underhandedly offered Martin Hill a clear run for his Boston Conservatives in county elections?
"Things may not have been any better for Boston, but I guess the people would at least have applauded such a show of grit.
"We will never know, because those cowardly rollovers performed by Richard Austin, as he spat in the face of the very people who had put their trust in him, and his Bypass councillors, was and still is a shameful act of treachery.
"So what of the future?
"Will the possible influx of new members be restricted by party manifesto?
"Will we continue to bow to the will of Lincolnshire County Council for another term?
"As potential borough Conservative councillors now begin limbering up for election success, the doorstep promise will be to make things better, locally....are we about to be fooled yet again?
"Will they guarantee that the official party line will not suffocate any hopeful aspirations for Boston?
"Will they promise to object to the banquet continuing in Lincoln, while Boston exists on the crumbs from the floor?
"Our failure to improve Boston's prospects in the past, and made worse in the last three years, was because of our political representatives' obvious weakness. Is there any sign of a stronger character anywhere on the horizon?
"Up to now I have seen no indication that our Tory, borough and county councillors have the stomach for a real battle with their award winning Leader.
"I am sure that voters will be demanding that candidates' first priority must be Boston first and foremost.
"They will be put on notice that if elected, they must always stand up for Boston.
"The reality is, and we can tell them this until we are blue in the face, but it won`t happen.
"It will not be allowed to happen, and there will be no mutiny!
"The disaster of the past three years of the BBI demonstrates what happens when councillors are bullied and gagged; Lincoln is then allowed to deliver unsuitable and majorly flawed projects for Boston, without challenge, as they have done under this sad administration.
"So I agree with you, Boston Eye, it is very disappointing to see the lack of willingness to Stand Up for Boston, and it is clear that our town gets so little consideration, unlike our near neighbours, who, even in these dire times, seem to prosper much more than we do.
"The role of a councillor - borough or county - is to serve the people who elected them. The duty of that councillor is to deliver, for the benefit of his/her electorate, a better quality of life for them and their families. This must be done without fear or favour.
"Sadly the promises will be soon forgotten, replaced by a pursuit of acceptability amongst false gods. Personal enhancement and elevation becomes much more important, this is the way of party politics.
"Even in local government, such as the borough, we see the initial willingness to represent relegated, and laid aside; award becomes the mission, even self respect is sacrificed.
"This will become very evident in the next few months, and it will be bloody.
"The Mayoral Robes 'are up for grabs.' In this, the final year of the bypassers' term of office, already an unruly queue is forming.
"For some... well one anyway, the wait has been excruciating, the discomfort of having to communicate with lesser individuals intolerable, but from what I hear there is even more pain to come ...
"Et Tu Brute!"

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