Monday, December 29

Look out for the tumbleweed!

As we remarked on the departure of Woolworths, the names of other high street names thought to be under threat were emerging.
Names such as Jessops, and Clinton Cards joined Adams and Whittards, the Officer's Club, Zavvi, MFI and others.
It's said that as many as 15 big name shops could vanish in the next few weeks, and looking at the list so far, large areas of Boston could soon resemble a ghost town.
In the midst of all this we recalled that a large number of developments for the town have failed to materialise.
Remember the "mini mall" proposed alongside ASDA - and what about ADSA's plan to enlarge the store? Another "mini mall" was mooted for the far end of West Street, and council cash was used to help pave the way for a development that has got no further than a run of hoardings shielding a wasteland. And weren't we supposed to be getting some more shops on the car park behind Woolworth's?
Very quietly, these leaps forward that were trumpeted so enthusiastically seem to have died the death.
The other day we mentioned the silence surrounding the planned development called Merchant's Quay.
Still scheduled to be completed in 2012 according to the publicity, no realistic plans have yet been filed - although there are some very pretty artist's impressions knocking around.
Given how long it to to approve and create Pescod Square - which still has empty units, as does the redeveloped former ASDA site - we think there must be a serious question to be asked about whether this will still go ahead.

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