Monday, December 1

Mr Bean would applaud Boston antics

By-pass campaigner Michael Borrill of the Boston Bypass & Economic Growth Pressure Group (BBEG) writes to us to say:-
"Many thanks for your continued highlighting of the facts that concern all of us Bostonians and in fact, the wider public. "Your daily 'news' articles are indeed what the local press should be dwelling on from time to time but, sadly, over recent months, there seems to be a lack of deep reporting.
"Boston is ideally situated from history to reap the tourism benefits from both UK and indeed, the USA. The moving of the tourism office from the Assembly Rooms was an act of great folly and anyone involved in that industry would have gasped in astonishment when the news was first brokered to move it to the Haven Centre when it is a known fact that hardly any visitors to the town venture that way. To now move it to the Museum when the opening hours seem to be "closed for most of the time" beggars belief.
"The antics of this town seem to present Mr Bean with a new theme for a movie!
"We all know that Boston Borough has large debts which have to be taken care of, partly a self inflicted wound, which, if treated properly, would be starting the healing process by now! There is, however, something good they could do which would give them a bit of credence once again which does now involve a cash layout at this time.
"First and foremost, put a stop to the road widening planned to take place (after the County elections in May- I wonder why!) This work which will take many months, will cripple businesses and drive more shoppers away from Boston in this troubled time.
"Secondly, press home to Lincolnshire County Council, the need to re-commence work on the route of a Boston distributor road. The smoke screen of the Local Development Framework should not be used. Lincolnshire County Council do not take account of this requirement when planning for two by-passes for Lincoln City, which incidentally, were turned down by a government inspector.
"Both these two points will not involve Boston Borough Council in placing cash but it will give them some 'brownie points' which have been missing for some time.
"There is no excuse for not doing this."

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