Wednesday, July 29

Behind the scenes insight from blogging councillor

We keep a weather eye open on the three elected bloggers who are reporting their take on politics in the Boston area. Two of them represent the borough and the county, whilst the third, Councillor Raymond Singleton-McGuire has a seat in both chambers.
Of the three, he is far and away the most outspoken, as the number of visits to his blog are showing - proof, as we have already said, that the blog is a powerful yet sadly undervalued tool in informing the electorate.
Recently, Councillor Singleton-McGuire shed some interesting (but probably unwelcome light) on the goings on at Worst Street in the wake of the change in deputy leadership.
It appears that whilst Councillor Peter Jordan has resigned, he is hanging on to the Deputy Leader's half of the Leader's Office.
"Even more magical is that it’s the Leader, Richard Austin, who has surrendered his tenancy of the Leader's Office and taken up residence in the office across the hallway next to the (now resigned) Chief Executive office," writes Councillor Singleton-McGuire.
What, he asks is different or special about Councillor Jordan?
"Oh yes, he now wants to spend more time working on his portfolio! So wait a minute, what was Councillor Jordan doing before with his portfolio? Anyway, most councillors work on their portfolios from home, or liaise with Officers/Corporate Management Board via phone or come into West Street and have meetings in the officer's office, as councillors do with most other council business.
This prompts him to ask the obvious question ... "if it’s the leader’s office, and you are the leader – would you not want to stay in your own office, or would you let yourself be evicted by someone who was not even your landlord? So who’s in charge in West Street?"
He concludes: "All I know is, if it was my leader, I would be questioning his authority and leadership"
So would we, and we've recently received e-mails from readers that support this suggestion that all is not well in the ranks of the Bypass Independents.
You can read Councillor Singleton-McGuire's blog in full at

You can write to us at Your e-mails will be treated in confidence and published anonymously if requested.

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