Wednesday, July 22

Gallagher quits. Who will be next?

They say that everything comes in threes .... so who will be next, we wonder.
First Peter Jordan quits as deputy leader of Boston Borough Council, and now Chief Executive Mick Gallagher has resigned his post.Gallagher became Chief Executive in 2006 and was previously Director of Development for four years.
His time in post has seen the creation and establishment of the Boston Area Partnership and the Boston Area Regeneration Company, the opening of the Enterprise Centre, the Haven Gallery, and the refurbishment of the Guildhall museum.
But enough about his crimes.
He says: "I have thoroughly enjoyed my seven years with Boston. It has been a privilege to play such a pivotal role in the development of our communities. After working for six different councils over the last 32 years I have decided to take my career in a new direction using the knowledge and experience I have gained in my time with Boston and elsewhere."
The phrase "take my career in a new direction" has a certain leaden ring about it, but we wish him luck. Certainly he now has the chance to work a mere five days a week once again.
Talking of things coming in threes, there are already permutations available.
Gallagher's resignation is the third among the senior officer cadre. It was announced in May that Bev Smith, assistant director of community services, and Richard Micklewright, assistant director (resources), will both be moving on later this year.
We suspect that there is more change to come.

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