Wednesday, April 27

Election claims row
goes on and on

The other day, we wrote about the complaints by Boston Bypass Independent’s leader about Conservative claims in their party newsletter – for which he demanded they apologise.
The plea to the Electoral Commission so far seems to have fallen on deaf ears, and now it seems that Councillor Austin is in the firing line.
We understand that Tory group leader Councillor Raymond Singleton-McGuire is complaining about Councillor Austin’s activities in the run up to the election.
He is concerned about alleged approaches to newly appointed Conservative candidates, which Councillor Singleton-McGuire feels have “overstepped the mark.”
In an e-mail seen by the Boston Eye, he says he regards Councillor Austin's complaint to the Electoral Commission as a case of the pot calling the kettle black when viewed against the claims that the BBI is “the most improved council” which we mentioned yesterday.
The e-mail to Chief Executive Richard Harbord says “I believe it was yourself in one of the leaders’ meetings who stated that ‘we were not the most improved council but in fact the most improved of the councils who were in a situation facing Government intervention or were under the watchful eye as in the Boston Borough Council
case, by GOEM (the Government Office for the East Midlands) therefore, the most improved of the worst!’
Councillor Singleton McGuire also claims that Councillor Austin gave the selfsame answer to Better Boston Group Councillor Brian Rush at a full council meeting.
Councillor Singleton-McGuire goes on to challenge BBI claims of credit for issues for which he says they were not responsible.
One of these was the removal of traffic lights at roundabouts which he says was a county council action - and asks for them to be removed BBI campaign literature together with the phrase “The Most Improved Council.”
We wish that this claim could be clarified once and for all.

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