Friday, March 13

Awards of the week

A few smaller items which don't merit a full blog in their own right, but are nonetheless are worth comment, make up today's little effort.
Our Recycler of the Week award goes to BBI Councillor Ray Newell for his letter in the Standard "Reformers v Destroyers." His repeated retelling of the miracles worked by the Bypass Independents is living proof that you can recycle the same old rubbish over and over and over again. His chilling threat that "the BBI will continue its programme of reform, despite efforts to stop us," reminds us of the famous letter from Jack the Ripper dated 17th September 1888. "I love my work an I shant stop until I get buckled...."
Opportunist of the Week award goes to Target columnist George Wheatman who uses his irrepressibly pointless column "Nowhere's a Thought" to salute the tireless devotion and courage of the trustees of the Princess Royal Sports Area - of which he just happens to be one. At least he's told us this time, but talk about taking advantage....
And talking of the PRSA, they get our ..... Whoops! We Forgot to Update our Website award of the week. We laughed aloud when we visited their website and clicked the link that takes us to "Sports & Partner Clubs." It leads to a page where we are told "With top quality resident athletics and rugby clubs you are able to train and participate to the highest level." Another link takes us guess where? The Boston and District Athletic Club's website..... the club the PRSA fought long and hard to ban from its premises.
Finally, First Footer of the Week award goes to the BNP. Their leaflet aimed at winning votes for the EU elections in early June dropped through our doors a few days ago. It was by the postman, which means that the party has booked a mass distribution with Royal Mail, which in turn means that every home in Boston has probably received a copy by now. When the BNP took its first seat on Boston Borough Council a few months ago there was lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth, and claims that they had not quite played the game when it came to wooing voters. Now the starting gun has been fired, other parties will surely only have themselves to blame if they remain on the blocks.

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