Tuesday, March 31

More funny business with bus survey

We've been highly critical of the machinery used to allegedly sound out public opinion over the continuation of the Into Town bus service.
The four week survey was reduced to three simply because the forms failed to arrive in time; the internet voting forms could be submitted time and time again, giving ample opportunity to express a single point of view, as could of course be done with the forms themselves.
The fact that anyone completing them had to pay for the privilege also caused us some concern. We had our knuckles sharply rapped when we mistakenly expressed the idea that the borough council was responsible for the distribution of the questionnaires, and were firmly told that this job belonged to Lincolnshire County Council, and not our local lords and masters.
But a question remains in our minds about who was doing what after we heard the other day that the forms had been hand delivered through the letterboxes of some houses in Boston, but not in others.
Is this some over enthusiastic councillor trying to influence public opinion?
If so, we would question the ethics of such an action.
What we can say with certainty that the County Council is most unlikely to be the culprit, because if door to door delivery had been part of the package, it would have featured in the publicity surrounding the survey.
As we have said before, the purpose of this survey is merely a pretence at local democracy, as so much money has been spent that the continuation of the service is a foregone conclusion.
The only thing that really should be done is to stop the buses running through Strait Bargate thus ending the noise, and fume pollution and the threat of injury or death that will inevitable result from vehicles using the same path as pedestrians - some of whom are elderly, infirm, prone to falling and often hard of hearing, and young children, who are a force of nature in their own right, who will run beneath the wheels of a bus if it suits them, no matter what their parent says.

You can write to us at boston.eye@googlemail.com Your e-mails will be treated in confidence if requested.

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