Friday, March 27

Friday footnotes ....

People Who Live in Glass Houses award of the week goes to Councillor Jim Blaylock (is that him pictured left in the glam rock band Mud all those years ago?) His diatribe against Labour's performance at the last local elections asked why none of the party candidates were elected. "Perhaps it's because the electorate do not believe the spin they proliferate," he huffs. This from a senior member of a party that used spin and nothing else to gain power, and which has consummately failed to deliver on its promises ever since. Perhaps he should take his own advice - "remember your shortcomings...."

Best Double Entendre of the week award goes to the Boston Standard for its piece on the "haunting" of Blackfriars. Without the addition of an exclamation mark to tell us they're only joking, the Standard reports..."a spirit has been seen in the upstairs bar."

And the Standard earns, our Better Late Than Never award of the week as well. Whilst the Business Profile feature "Enough with the doom and gloom" refers to "last month's" Boston Area Partnership workshop, the fact is that it was reported on the borough's website last month (3rd February) a full fortnight after the event itself, which was staged on 20th January - making the Standard piece two months and one week out of date. Perhaps is was intended for the Memory Lane page instead!

Shrinking Violet of the week award goes to Boston's Chief Executive for asking a councillor to write to the local press to explain his actions during the recent budget debate. Perhaps in these times of economic stringency his pen had run out which required someone else to write on his behalf.

Court With Your Briefs Down award of the week goes to the solicitor who dismissed a man's attempts to set fire to dustbins outside the borough's Worst Street offices with the words: "It's more of a silly offence in my book." Yes the damage was minimal .... but those of us with long memories will recall that this is exactly the same way the blaze that razed the Regal Centre began.

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