Wednesday, March 10

Last word in councillors' debate

Have provided a platform for the debate between Councillors Brian Rush and Myles Larrington, we have one final response before we think that matters can be drawn to a close.
It comes from Councillor Larrington, who had criticised earlier comments by Councillor Rush. We are not publishing an additional e-mail from Councillilor Raymond Singleton-McGuire, as between sending it to us and publication, he has withdrawn his remarks. You can read more on his blog at
In his e-mail., Councillor Larrington says:
"Having seen the publication of Councillor Rush’s article ‘Tory “incompetence” spawned BBI’ I would like, albeit briefly, to comment on the observations made by Councillor Rush.
"Firstly, I am perfectly happy to reiterate my own view with regard to the Into-Town Bus Service. I oppose buses going through Strait Bargate and, as I have secured a debate on having a referendum over the service to debated by the Policy & Projects Committee later this year, unlike Councillor Rush, I have actually attempted to positively address this issue rather than following the Better Boston Group’s policy of acting to criticise the current administration’s policy whilst offering no alternative solution.
"Secondly, if Councillor Rush had correctly read my previous post he will have come to realise that I am no apologist for the previous administration. I do not deny that many of the old Conservative councillors were out of touch and to some degree, did assist in the BBI’s landslide win of 2007. However, today’s Conservative Group is very different indeed. We have learnt from our past mistakes and are determined to work hard for the people of Boston, but mostly to listen and learn.
"In the end, Councillor Rush can criticise me all he wants. At least, as an elected councillor, I can justify that my views do have some legitimacy (although, of course, I’m not perfect.) If Councillor Rush was confident he could say the same, then why has he not sought re-election under his new label? His views are his own only and he cannot I’m afraid claim he represents anyone but himself.
"Lastly, I will not reiterate the position regarding the County Council. It is well known that before the BBI came to power, the previous council was working closely with Lincolnshire County Council to address these issues and was making reasonable progress. Although Councillor Rush is correct that Boston has been too overlooked for many years, it certainly an exaggeration to say that LCC has "continually ignored the plight of this town."
"I’m afraid the big picture is far more complex than that.
"Best Regards,
"Councillor Myles Larrington"

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