Friday, March 12

Week ending 12th March

Our Friday miscellany of the week's news and events
Sticks and stones ... According to the local press, Councillor Martin Clarkson took exception to the generic description of the Bypass Independents as "buffoons," by BNP Councillor David Owens at this week's council meeting. "I do not class myself as a buffoon," he is quoted as saying. "If Councillor Owens feels that, we need to have a chat outside some time." The phrase "a chat outside" tends to be a euphemism for a punch-up. The dictionary defines a buffoon as: "a rude or vulgar fool, a clown, a person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior." Hmmm. Guilty by definition by the sound of it. Interestingly, Councillor Clarkson's speech comes soon after we referred to the army of BBI councillors who are seen but not heard in the chamber. Clearly something has at last spurred him to speak - but how sad that it had to be to say something so silly.
Listen - do you wanna know a secret ...? Further to yesterday's item about the Mayoral vote, we can tell you that the "secret" ballot to elect the next Mayor was an 18-14 split which exactly reflected the difference between BBI and the Opposition members. "Grumpy, nous t'adore ... " No we jolly well don't!! Once again, the devices used by the BBI (?the Buffoon Brothers International) show them up for the band of shabby little fixers that they are.
Debt of gratitude ... We hear that Better Boston Group Councillor Anne Dorrian is making great progress in challenging the validity of writing off the £1.9m loan to the Princess Royal Sports Arena. That's despite a couple of senior BBI figures leaping in to say that the write-off hasn't been sanctioned, (and thus trying to head her off at the pass.) It's good to see that despite the efforts of the BBI, it is still possible for an opposition voice to be heard from time to time. Keep up the good work, Ms Dorrian.
See you later, remunerator ... We note with interest that Boston Borough Council has rejected a recommendation from its independent remuneration panel to increase councillors’ allowances by 4.6 per cent from April 1. When we commented on this the other day, we said we had no problem with an above-inflation increase as allowances paid to councillors are 40 per cent below the national average. However, we hope that the decision to send the matter back to the remuneration panel for a full review isn't seen as an invitation to suggest some outrageous increase that will put everyone's backs up but lets the BBI cash in during its last year in office. At least any proposal will be subject to "full public consultation," which always makes us laugh.
One for the good guys ... We liked the recent announcement from the Borough Council that "Boston’s newest CCTV camera chalked up its first victims on the very first day of its use." Criminals as victims is an interesting concept to promote. Surely our local council isn't going soft?
May the farce be with you ... When last week we suggested that the Leader's Message be updated on Boston Borough Council's website, we didn't expect to see what followed within days (see picture below) Presumably Councillor Austin has decided to adopt a policy of "no more Mr Nice Guy" in his dealings with the punters (if he ever strayed from it.)

Off Target ... A reader tells us that after a neighbour rang the Boston Target office to ask why her paper was no longer being delivered, the answer was that deliveries were being stopped in some areas. Presumably this is to save costs, but seems rather counter-productive. Can anyone shed some light on this?
And finally ...
Michael's Winner is ... Failed Lib Dem local election candidate Mike Sheridan-Shinn has at last added something new to his blog ... and the punctuation and lack of capitalisation is all his own. "Well now phase two is well under way,i can now reveal that i now know the identity, of our anonymous blogger Boston eye." he writes. "if anyone can guess who it is,i will give a donation to the charity of your choice.but we will not accept michael ashcroft.Its been a difficult few months keeping phase two under wraps,but now we know the identity its time for him to reveal himself....or i will...." We love a challenge, and can't wait to see our name in lights. Publish and be damned Mike, if you're sure you're right. In the meantime, could we suggest that if Mike S-S is planning to run for the Lib Dems at the forthcoming general election, he might choose a better title than "Billy Liar" to direct for Boston Playgoers' May production!

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