Monday, March 1

Local loyalty "more important than experience"

A week ago today we published comments by Councillor Brian Rush of the Better Boston group ("The future’s blight… the future’s red!") who fears that history will repeat itself at next year's Boston Borough Council elections.
He predicted the Boston Bypass Independent party being thrown out and asked: "Will the chamber once again be dominated by inexperienced councillors - this time from the Conservatives?"
This provoked a response from Conservative Councillor Myles Larrington who writes:
"I have to say that I do not recognise the image that is portrayed of the Conservative Group on both the Borough and County Councils by Councillor Brian Rush of the Better Boston Group, and indeed his article does not reflect the true situation.
"I do not share Councillors Rush’s concerns regarding the 2011 Borough Elections. True, many members of the council are likely to be newly-elected. That said (as a former BBI member) Councillor Rush is a lot more responsible for the current situation we find ourselves in, than any member of the Conservative Group.
"I would also strongly challenge his assertion that 'inexperience' is a major disadvantage.
"Surely the approach of the members in question is more relevant than political experience?
"Firstly, is Councillor Rush seriously saying Boston would be better today if the 'experienced' councillors from the previous administration were still around?
"To me, 'experience' when referring to the previous council, is now largely a byword for 'out of touch.'
"Those members who delivered the PRSA, the Haven, etc, in my view were surely totally out of touch with the people of Boston who elected them.
"Have we ever wanted any of these hugely costly white elephants?
"True, the current council has its own problems, but surely these pale in comparison with what has gone before.
"In addition, he is completely wrong about the Conservative Group.
"Whilst some of our members do carry great experience, what the rest of us lack in that, I believe we make up for in our approach to local politics.
"That is, that as Conservatives, we have a strong record of standing up for local people by voting as Bostonians first, above all else.
"If you look carefully at the real issues (i.e. the training pool, etc) we are hardly silent voices.
"I honestly believe the same cannot be said for any of the other groups on the council.
"Surely a willingness to truly stand up for local people and to put party interests aside is more important than 'experience?'
"Finally, I would also like to say that the reason there has not been, as Councillor Rush says a 'real battle' with Martin Hill and Lincolnshire County Council is that it is the BBI in Boston, not the Conservative administration in Lincoln, that is the problem.
"Progress is being slowed by the BBI, not the other way round.
"I am surprised that Councillor Rush seems not to realise this simple fact."

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