Monday, October 18

Achievement list plan rolls on ...

As expected, the BBI steamrollered on when last Thursday's call-in of the cabinet decision to create a “Roll of Achievement” to go on to the borough's website was rubber stamped. Our thanks go to an anonymous reporter who sent us this account of what went on ...

“The call in of the cabinet decision to proceed with the establishment of a Roll of Achievement service by the Borough Council heard that among Councillor Richard Austin's circle of acquaintances the establishment of such a roll is a permanent item of concern and conversation.
“Such seemingly repetitive conversations had caused our leader to decide that the establishment of such a scheme of recognition, on top of present three tier recognition scheme, was a necessity in these straitened times.
“Although Councillor Austin's report to the cabinet had mentioned a mere £500 as the cost of officer and committee time, IT use, and research as to bona fides of an unknown number of nominees, legal opinions as to safe wording of recognition (these last two points obviously new to Councillor Austin's thinking) he now admitted he could not be exact as to the cost of this new scheme - although there was already a queue of applicants.
“But he was sure its establishment would make Boston a more attractive destination and would thus be jolly good value for whatever money.
“As to whether the scheme would be carried on by any future Administration after elections in May '11 - that seemed to matter not one jot to all six BBI committee members present who duly backed their leader's scheme, as was required of them, to carry the vote..
“After which half of them left before an obviously 'unimportant' discussion on PRSA funding, past and present.
“A matter, seemingly, of limited interest to BBI party members. Probably too many zeros in the figures for them to understand! ‘All those round things,darling, they just give me a headache!'
“Well done those who did stay!”

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