A Hunter seeks answers
over empty shops grant
Another day – and another question about how Boston Borough Council conducts its business.
This time it comes in an e-mail - signed Victor Hunter - which says is has been sent to all Boston Borough councillors and executives, and copied to Boston Eye, the Boston Standard and the Boston Target.
“I wish to make a formal complaint about the apparent misappropriation by officials of Boston Borough Council of government money under the ‘Empty Shops Funding Grant Scheme’ and trust that you will conduct a full investigation and take appropriate action as necessary.
For background information please refer to enclosed ‘Report to Cabinet’ dated 24th February 2010.
“Thus the Council received a Government grant of £52,631.58 under the ‘Empty Shops Funding Grant Scheme.’
“Cabinet agreed to allocate £52,000 in three ways as follows: £30,000 was allocated for the above shop units (34-36 Strait Bargate). For the avoidance of doubt hereinafter referred to as 'the empty shop.'
“£12,000 was allocated to bringing 25 other empty shops up to a common standard by improving the outside of the shops and use of graphics to decorate the shop windows using a common theme (My Boston) to decorate the shop windows.
“£10,000 was allocated to establishing a grant scheme to offer new retailers occupying empty shops funding towards business rates for their first year following start up.
“My first complaint is that whole £52,000 has been spent/committed on 'the empty shop.'“Thus the other dedicated allocations of £12,000 for improving the appearance of 25 other empty shops and the £10,000 for establishing a business rates grant scheme have been abandoned / ditched.
“- Why has the whole of the £52,000 been spent on 'the empty shop?'
“- Why have these other two schemes been ditched?
“- Who took these decisions and when?
“I understand that South Lincolnshire Community & Voluntary Service (SLCVS) is the tenant of 'the empty shop.'
“My next complaint is that it is scandalous that SLCVS are apparently not paying one penny towards the rent or running costs.
“Thus the Council have spent £52,000 of taxpayers money on 'the empty shop' and SLCVS are getting the benefits of it absolutely free of charge.
“Surely this cannot be right especially when you look at the SLCVS published accounts which shows they have cash reserves of £365,997 (from the Charity Commission website.) Any organisation with such vast reserves should surely be expected to contribute something towards the rent and running costs? Most small shop keepers in Boston would be very envious of such vast wealth.
“I understand the Council gives SLCVS an annual grant in excess of £100,000 per annum so it seems particularly generous of the Council that additionally they give SLCVS 'the benefit' of a further £52,000?
“As a minimum I would recommend you request SLCVS to contribute £22,000
back to the Council such that the other allocations (£12,000 and £10,000) can proceed as originally agreed by cabinet.
“I would imagine that the SLCVS Trustees (Jim Hopkins, Bert Shaw, Paul Kenny, Barbara Blatherwick, Richard Barclay, Margaret Powley, Debbie Belton) are particularly embarrassed by the whole affair and would think that as a gesture of goodwill they would be more than pleased to voluntary return this £22,000 to the Council.
“Alternatively if they do not return this money voluntary then I suggest you should take this into account when accessing their future grant funding (if any given impending cuts).
“I would also recommend you investigate who made the decision to grant SLCVS the tenancy? Was it a fair and open process and were other charitable and voluntary groups given the opportunity to become the tenant?
“My final complaint is that it is scandalous that £52,000 of taxpayers money has been spent on a shop which may well be demolished in 'a few months time.'
“Yours faithfully
Boston Eye says:- Some interesting and important questions - but will any answers be forthcoming?
You can write to us at boston.eye@googlemail.com Your e-mails will be treated in confidence and published anonymously if requested.
1 comment:
Please note that the sender of this email is not the Victor Hunter shown in the local phone book.
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