Monday, May 16

Leaders of the pack ...
It's  "best for Boston"
During the past week or so our reports concerning the leadership of the ruling Conservative group on Boston Borough Council have put us in the firing line.
We found it strange that after running the Tory group for the last year and steering it to a resounding victory that Councillor Raymond Singleton-McGuire should step aside as leader in favour of Councillor Peter Bedford – a 20-year veteran of Boston politics, a former mayor, and for the next few days the 25th chairman of Lincolnshire County Council.
We were taken to task for not seeing the bigger picture, which we are told is less about the captain’s bridge and more about keeping things running in the engine room.
We asked the obvious question – did he jump, or was he pushed, which Councillor Singleton-McGuire told us was a “bit unfair,”
“At least I was brave enough to make such a decision for the benefit of Boston and didn't have an ego that prevented me unlike the BBI. And no, I did not fall nor was I pushed. I can understand that is what would appear to be the obvious conclusion everyone would perhaps make but they are most definitely wrong. Believe what you may, but having canvassed the group I had the group’s support as leader, but under the circumstances asked that my vote should be given to Peter Bedford for leader so I could devote more time to sorting out the mess that the BBI have left the finances in!”
We also reported that we had heard that the change at the top had raised concerns among the newly elected members.
Our concerns led Councillor Singleton-McGuire to write to all elected Tory members.
“I understand that there has been some concern within the Group regarding my decision to stand down as Leader at Monday's AGM,” he told them in an e-mail.
“I reflected on the situation at Boston Borough Council and its issues, especially the finances. In light of this, I set aside my personal gratification and tried to think what would be best for Boston. My intentions were to engage Peter Bedford as a second Deputy similar to that at Lincolnshire County Council and South Holland District Council and to use his vast experience and ambassador qualities.
“Peter agreed to take over the Leadership in the interim period, therefore releasing my time to concentrate on the Finance Portfolio.
“I hope this explains the significance of my decision on Monday night as a positive and genuine reason for the future benefit of Boston Borough Council.”
This went a long way towards clarifying things, but left one aspect about which we wrote to Councillor Singleton-McGuire to ask: “The only question we have left is that the use of the word interim appears to suggest that Councillor Bedford will stand down in your favour once you have the financial side done and dusted. Is this the case?”
In reply, he told us: “The bigger picture is not about one's ego or in fact the kudos.
“All Conservative candidates received a deal of training so that in the event of forming the next Administration we could hit the ground running. Going forward, I expect a more harmonious working relationships between inter Political Parties and Officers. ”I have arranged and instigated and hopefully it will be approved, to have cameras in the Chamber therefore preventing any future personal bravado or outbursts and to retain the respect and diplomacy expected in a Council Chamber, this I began organising before the Election. I also felt it was necessary, having pushed the barriers with the By-Pass Party over Blogs, political bravado and other issues, to take the ‘wind out of their sails’ and to give the Conservative Party Members a clean-sweep away from any media retaliatory behaviour directed at me by the By-Pass Party, which would no doubt have reflected on other Members.
“You are perfectly correct with the word 'interim' and I feel my job at Boston Borough Council on Finance Portfolio is much greater, at least in the 'interim' period than the Leader's job.
“We, as a Group and team will be raising the stakes at Boston Borough Council and going forward. I will not tolerate any of the antics that have been associated with Boston Borough Council in the past.”

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