Saturday, May 21

They seek us here ...
they seek us there

Regular readers will know that we have always said that if the identity of the writers of Boston Eye became part of the public domain, we would cease blogging.
So we felt something of a frisson when we received an e-mail late yesterday saying that we had been “outed” – and by no less a figure than Boston Borough Council Leader Peter Bedford.
We were told that at a meeting at West Street in front of councillors and officers, he named a policeman called Mike, who handles freedom of information requests at Boston Police station.
We breathed again.
There is no-one of that name on the Boston Eye team, and never has been – so pro tem, the quill of Boston’s Scarlet Pimpernel continues scratch away.
But then we wondered why someone would want to try to silence the voice of a blog that many agree is a much-needed campaigning voice for Boston that should be heard rather than gagged.
People have tried in the past – usually by technical means – to silence us … and failed.
We can only think of two reasons.
  • by making his announcement to other councillors and officers, the leader was trying to make them think that if they were to write to Boston Eye, he would get to know.
If that was the case it would be undemocratic – and a bad thing for Boston.
  • The second thought that crossed our minds was that he believed we would close our blog, and thus stifle discussion of the council and its role.
If that was the case it would be undemocratic – and a bad thing for Boston.

Readers be aware!
If you write to Boston Eye to tell us something and ask for your contribution to appear anonymously we guarantee to honour that request and protect your identity.
We have stuck with this pledge through thick and thin for more than four years, and nothing that any outsider tries to do will change that fact.
See you on Monday …

You can write to us at  Your e-mails will be treated in confidence and published anonymously if requested.

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