Monday, July 4

"Thinking alike
doesn't mean
toeing the party line"

Given the so-called “leadership style” of the former Boston Borough Council administration the BBI – the stick without the carrot, and quite often the cart before the horse – it’s not surprising that people have been keeping a watchful eye on the way that the Conservatives are settling in.
Certainly they did not get off to the best of starts, and now we are hearing impressions that that the new leadership style may differ little in some ways from that their predecessors.
A recent writer to Boston Eye was critical of the en masse support at the last meeting of BTAC – the Boston Town Area Committee, where one agenda item proposed spending £10,000 on a garden area in Central Park.
However, one Conservative councillor has come forward to make the point that a full house in the voting deck does not necessarily mean that everyone involved is unthinking.

"'But all the Conservatives think it's good' and 'because every Conservative on the panel thought it more important...'  are part of two statements in last weeks Boston Eye,” Witham Ward Councillor Carol Taylor writes in an e-mail.
“These, to me suggest two things.
1) That we cannot form an individual opinion
“2) That we are all united in our decision to vote on an issue based on individual opinions which as a team believe is the correct way forward.
“I am going for the latter! Why? With regard to the town centre plans, I have yet to form an opinion until I fully understand the benefits or otherwise - proving that not all Conservatives think it is a good idea because I haven't told anyone what I think yet!
“In response to  'the attendee' at the BTAC meeting - there were many comments made during this meeting regarding how and where to spend this money, and it was as a result of these comments which convinced me to vote for the money to be allocated to the town centre project.
“Originally from what I understand, several hundred pounds were available to spend in each ward but as pointed out, there is very little you can buy which would see beneficial results to those individual constituencies.
“I chose to go with the town centre project because I, that is me! thinks it is a good idea for everyone in Boston to reap the benefits.
“My decision was not just based on a diagrammatic view of what it would look like but also on my own, that is my, as in me, being able to look ahead using my, that is my own and not a Conservative ability to visualise the completion, and - dare I say it? - imagine how good it will look for not only the people of Boston but also visitors to our great town
“Finally, I, that is, me, cannot see the point in waiting if the money is readily available.
“The benefits can be enjoyed sooner rather than numerous meetings deciding how to allocate the funds. This decision is representative of a new administration doing something to enhance the town of Boston for its local people and visitors.”

We’re grateful to Councillor Taylor for her e-mail, and are happy to be able to provide a platform for her views – which we hope will be echoed by all of her fellow Conservative councillors.

You can write to us at  Your e-mails will be treated in confidence and published anonymously if requested.

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