Thursday, July 7

Tory split:
"We can't have 
maverick voices"
 After the initial reaction to the departure of Boston Borough Councillor Carol Taylor from the Conservatives to the Independents, things save calmed down a little.
Given the history of party-swapping on the council, it comes as no surprise that there is little enthusiasm for a by election.
Indeed, as one of the most recent changes of allegiance was that of former Independent Councillor Michael Brookes – who switched to the Tories and within a year was appointed Joint Deputy Leader – the Conservatives are not in a position to throw stones.
Group leader Councillor Peter Bedford went on BBC Lincolnshire to address the issue and whilst he must have strutted away from the microphone feeling the warm glow of a job well done, and the removal of an irritating fly from his political ointment, the fact is that he came over as patronising, complacent and conceited.
The interviewer asked if he was sorry to lose a Conservative councillor...
PB: Of course. Always sorry to lose a Conservative councillor.
INT: Were you telling her what to say?
PB: No but like anything else, anybody that’s in politics knows that you have to have a line to follow. As an administration, if you want to get things happening you have to follow a line, otherwise like the last four years of Boston when there was 27 independent people it was a total mess and you cannot rule a party or a council like that.
INT: As leader were you laying down the ground rules?
PB: The group were laying down the ground rules not just me. Let’s say there was a difference of opinion. It’s just the fact that you can’t have maverick voices. We have a strong line on what we want to achieve for Boston. The electorate put us in on a mandate and we are going to achieve that mandate and that is what the people of Boston expect from us.
INT: People who voted Conservative in this ward now haven’t got one
PB: They have one other Conservative councillor in that ward.
INT: Do you feel that some people in that ward might feel miffed?
PB: I’m sure they will.
INT: What about calls for a by-election?
PB: There is absolutely nothing that can be done because it is purely down to Councillor Taylor if she wants to stay as she is it is purely down to personal choice and we have no say in that and nor do the electorate.
INT: It was unusual so quickly after an election, isn’t it?
PB: Yes but if you are new to politics and don’t really understand how councils and politicians work from the outside it very often as though you can just walk in, click your fingers and things will happen. Well, it doesn’t work like that in the real world. And I’m afraid Councillor Taylor found that very quickly.
INT: Surely any councillor has to be true to themselves.
PB: Of course they do and I would expect that and Councillor Taylor at the end of the day whichever side of the fence she sits on as long as she does what she was elected for and that is to represent the people of Boston to her best ability then you can’t ask for more than that.
INT: What a good job you had so many in the party, wasn't it?
PB: It is indeed.
INT: You can afford to lose one, can you?
PB: We can never afford to lose one. But we will carry on, don’t worry. And You just keep watching the results of what’s happening in Boston as the announcements keep coming out within the next few weeks.
Meanwhile, at least one former Conservative candidate has harsh words about his previous political colleagues.
Mark Rawlings, who was also briefly listed as a candidate at the elections last May but did not eventually stand, tells Boston Eye:
“As a life-long resident of Witham Ward and a previous candidate for the Tories in it – who decided to stand down from this year’s proceedings because of being aware of how things operate amongst the Tory group - I have a free mind which, if I had stood, (might have led me) to a take a stand alongside that of Councillor Taylor.
“If, as is being suggested by the English Democrat deputy leader a by election was held I am quite sure Councillor Taylor would retain her seat, as she has been a breath of fresh air and worked tirelessly before and after her election success.
“Her standing by what she feels best for her ward residents should come before toeing the party line, and she should be commended for not becoming one of the spineless sheep who just do en masse as they are told.
“Boston has suffered enough with four years of block voting by the BBI to not repeat for the next four as well.
“It will be interesting to see if the councillor from the English Democrats keeps to his word and stands down for a by election following the latest statement from Councillor Taylor.
“So I say good luck to her and long may she continue.
“Boston needs good independent, free-minded people to run this town and it would be a better place if we had 32 councillors like her.
“It is proof enough that there is no advantage to our townsfolk of such a dominant leadership considering the totally overwhelming leadership at county level as well -they still cannot stand up and be heard to save the town from deteriorating any further.
“I have tried three times to raise a point with one of the cabinet in the last week, only to receive a one line return to date. I can only surmise he is awaiting instruction on what he is allowed to tell me instead of acting on what his own views may be. “Disappointing to say the least.
“We are far from the transparency promised only a few short weeks ago.”
Meanwhile - what progress on English Democrat Councillor Elliott Fountain’s call for what he has dubbed a “bye-bye” election in Witham ward?
In an e-mail to all councillors he said: “If costs are given for an excuse not to have a by-election then I will quit and thus create a by-election for Fenside ward anyway.”
In her resignation statement, Councillor Taylor said she had no intention of resigning, and so far, Councillor Fountain has not received any replies to his e-mail.
But he is determined to press ahead with his plans.
He told Boston Eye: “It looks like she will not be doing the honourable thing and standing down for the public to decide.
”I myself will try to persuade her, and I will be out leafleting and canvassing the Witham ward to get the public’s opinion after the weekend.
“If she will still not stand down, I see no alternative but to stand down in the Fenside area after I can meet the full council and discuss it with them.
“Nevertheless, if there isn't a by-election for Witham Ward, there will be for Fenside very, very soon.
“This will give the public the attention this matter deserves - because an innocent councillor who believes in letting the people choose will stand down - while Carol Taylor will just plod along has if nothing has happened just like all the other "old school" councillors, which is shambolic.”

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1 comment:

English Democrats said...

Out of the votes that Carol Taylor got, i would imagine that about 60 or 70 actually voted for Carol and that the other voters voted for the "Conservative candidate", i have seen that Carol herself said that the "PEOPLE" voted her in and Mark Rawlings also suggests this. Well my dear friends there is only one way to prove this and that is stand and get re-elected has a independent, has i have already stated it would be a bye bye election. The Conservatives rule that ward at county level, and Mary Wright who is a long standing citizen and voice for the area helped Carol to achieve winning this seat has a CONSERVATIVE. Carol basically hitched a ride to the West street council offices, surely she must do the right thing and have a re-election if she is such a strong character she will win, personally i would probably like her to win again but i want to see true democracy not politics of old. The current situation at the minute is all the Conservatives could jump ship to LABOUR or ANOTHER PARTY if they so wished and the "PEOPLE" will have no say in this matter .This is plain wrong, the people are watching and the so called politicians look they they think they can do what they want !!