Monday, November 24

BNP hits back at critics

Boston's newest councillor, David Owens, has replied to Scanner's
observations on the recent BNP victory in Fenside.
I have taken the liberty to keep a copy of every leaflet used in the campaign,
and will therefore 'get a few things straight.'
Our first leaflet was the commonly used "people like you voting BNP" that is used to introduce the BNP and its stance on three key issues, all of which affect local people just as much as people throughout Britain.
The second leaflet used was entitled “let’s get a few things straight” which carried my photo and a question box on its reverse, this carried also the PO box of Louth, simply as we do not have a group in Boston and therefore no PO box!
The third leaflet, known as the £12,000, spoke of the BBI issues and the cost of this by-election to a cash strapped council, therefore the taxpayer. It made very clear in its content, that this election will not change who runs Boston council, but it will send a firm message to both the council and the Government that the electorate want something better. The reverse of this leaflet spoke specifically of concerns raised by residents from Carlton Road bungalows and detailed six other issues people consider important to them. It included adding my support to pressure the Conservative County Council to act on a by-pass. I wrote a letter to postal voters, along with a letter to people who were still undecided or indeed were considering their voting options.
The next leaflet was a national leaflet “we’ve all had enough” which re-affirmed issues that affect every citizen, local or not.
This was followed by an eve of poll reminder of the choices the electorate had on polling day, followed by a few national “remember to vote” leaflets and a couple of locally produced “remember to vote” leaflets.
Only the national leaflets are used elsewhere, the locally produced are specific to this election.
I think it was fair to say the when the electorate cast their vote for me, they cast it from a well informed position on issues that affect them locally and nationally.
With regard to comments of flooding the area on election day, I think your “informant” may have been confused with the BBI group, or perhaps the Conservatives, or could it have been the Liberal Democrat who turned up on polling day with a loud hailer on his car.
On election day their were five of us out and about, three of whom are local and two from the East Midlands region. As the day progressed and evening arrived a further two people came to lend a hand as tellers at the polling stations. And some friends and fellow supporters from around Lincolnshire turned up at for the count, Not quite a flood!
As for the use of a mini bus, I think you might ask the BBI candidate if he will be including its hire in his election expenses as it was his voters who were being bussed in, using some of the children from Fenside to rally up the vote from the migrant worker part of the ward! I think we could call him the pied piper of Fenside!
This election was won, quite simply because “WE SAY WHAT PEOPLE THINK” , What the other parties do not like is that is exactly what the ELECTORATE WANT!
Now I will get on with representing ALL residents of the Ward and Borough, irrespective of background, nationality, race, creed, colour, religion, or political affiliation. I still await a reply from Mark Simmonds MP, assuring me and at least 43% of the constituents of Fenside who voted for me, that he will represent us in the same manner that I am called to represent my ward constituents. So far he is refusing to speak to a “wasist” party - as detailed below.

From: David Owens Sent: 15 November 2008 01:56
To: SIMMONDS, MarkSubject: Please expand!
Quote “Mark Simmonds, Tory MP for Boston and Skegness, warned: 'The BNP are a threat to our country, who contribute nothing.'” Unquote
Mark, are you really implying that members of the BNP “contribute nothing”? Are you also by default, implying that those who Vote for the BNP “contribute nothing”? Would you be so kind as to explain what you meant in your press comments and therefore give me the right to reply.
Kindest regards
David Owens

From: SIMMONDS, Mark Sent: 19 November 2008 17:33
To: David Owens
Subject: RE: Please expand!
Mr Owens,Further to your email about my comments in the newspapers I do not approve of, nor do I intend to debate with, a political party whose fundamental policy tenant (sic) is racism.
Yours sincerely,
Mark Simmonds MP Boston and Skegness

From: David Owens Sent: 19 November 2008 23:04
Subject: RE: Please expand!
Mr Simmonds MP, In reply, how very ill informed, narrow minded and indeed un-democratic of you. Perhaps it’s that stance that led to your fellow conservative candidate failing in such spectacular fashion last week.Your response simply confirms how views such as yours, has led this once great country down the road of self destruction. I look forward to meeting you at one of your surgeries, where I will be more than happy to challenge you and your views, which as a parliamentary constituent, I am entitled to do. I would like to remind you sir, that I have the same rights as all of your constituents irrespective of whether you approve of my views or not!. And it would be grossly unfair of you to discriminate against me on that basis. Incidentally as is so typical with you Westminster “types” YOU have not answered the question! You owe an explanation of your comment to at least the 43% of the constituents on Fenside who voted for the British National Party last week, don’t you?
Cllr David Owens

Now that should “put a few thing’s straight!

David Owens Cllr Fenside Ward "

We have also received an e-mail from Wayne McDermott, the BNP's East Midlands Regional Election Officer, who says:

"Your report of the Fenside election by ‘Scanner’ is totally inaccurate and a little on the sour grapes side. Minibus was actually BBI I believe - it certainly was not ours. Leaflets did have local issues. Agree not on all seven, but on some - details of David Owens were on leaflet two if my memory is right; flooding the area on election day (a trickle more than a flood.) No locals? There were as many from Boston as elsewhere on election day. The by-pass was mentioned on leaflets but is an issue most agree is required.
"The real answer as to why we won was quite simply we worked harder and spoke to people - something the others don’t quite seem able to do.
"The next elections are in June not May as you state and yes I expect the BNP will win county seats next year.
"Boston has been waiting for a serious party to get organised in the area.
"People even voted UKIP before in Boston with some sizable votes.
"As for the BBI they were very confident in the morning, but the mood changed hour by hour as it was obvious we were going to win.
"Labour were not seen, which amazed me as it’s a ward they held not so long ago.
"The BBI were poor until election day but too little too late; imprint were incorrect on leaflets and posters.
"Lib Dem was poor as Labour and UKIP not even a leaflet. The Tories put the second biggest effort in but its just not a Tory area on Fenside.
"David Owens will make a good councillor, and I am sure will only be the first of several BNP councillors."

Write to Boston Eye at Your e-mail will be treated in confidence if requested.

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