Thursday, November 27

Boston Stump is obvious home for tourist information

Boston Borough Council has declared that tough economic conditions mean it must keep costs down and make £1.8 million savings in the next financial year.
Boston is not alone in its plight - East Lindsey District Council estimates it will have a £2.5m shortfall, Lincoln £1.5m, West Lindsey at least a £500,000 shortfall, and North Kesteven slightly less than £500,000.
Boston has made a number of proposals for savings, and we will look at them over the next couple of days.
Two key areas are the Guildhall, where savings of £15,000 are proposed by revising opening hours from Wednesday to Saturday and allocating Monday and Tuesday for schools.
At the hapless Haven £27,000 will be clawed back through cutting opening on three days only and moving the Tourist Information Centre to the Guildhall.
Poor old TIC!
A move to the Guildhall sounds like a recipe for disaster - particularly in view of the proposed opening times, and the problems for visitors needing help on a schools-only day. Bear in mind also that the Guildhall is only open by appointment across the winter, and it will be an almost forgotten place by the start of the next financial year.
Here's a idea for free.
Next year sees the 700th anniversary of Boston Stump which is being marked with major celebrations and a huge number of events.
Why not see if it is possible to have some space in the Stump's shop/cafe area to house tourist information?
The present arrangement at the Haven is lacklustre to say the least, but is not exactly a great user of space.
A move to the Stump would place tourist information at the heart of the town's main attraction and be a hugely beneficial place from which to promote the area.
Who knows, it could even be run on a voluntary basis as has been done in other areas, and save even more money.
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