Thursday, November 20

Time to put up or shut up!

Whilst there is not much to be gained from criticising individual members of Boston Borough Council, we have to say that our patience is being sorely tried by Councillor Anne Dorrian of the Better Boston Group.
Her reaction to the emphatic election of a British National Party candidate in the Fenside ward is to tell the Boston Standard that it represents the political equivalent of "laying face down in a pig sty eating muck."
She prefaces this unladylike observation by saying that the two recent by-elections have sent a clear message to the BBI leadership - which is to resign.
Readers may recall that the first of these by-elections was a direct result of actions by Councillor Dorrian which led to the conviction of a BBI councillor for drinking and driving, followed by his inevitable resignation.
She blames the Fenside result on the "weak and incompetent" BBI leadership.
Councillor Dorrian was once a proud standard bearer for that self-same leadership.
She fell out over what some say was nothing more than a technicality, and with colleagues set up the self-styled Better Boston Group.
Since then this third largest party on Boston Borough Council has said and done nothing except to sneer from the sidelines.
The group did not choose to mount a challenge at either of the recent by-elections - doubtless because it knew that the result would have made it a laughing stock.
And whilst quick to demand the departure of others, Councillor Dorrian has ignored calls for her own resignation after riding to victory on one party's bandwagon - then jumping ship whilst refusing to see whether the electors still wish to give her their mandate.
And in 2005, she famously changed her mind about standing as an independent by-pass campaigner at the General Election when she learned that the candidacy would mean resigning her post with the County Council.
In the meantime, we are treated to her inconsequential ramblings in a column in the Standard which began as a newly-elected councillor's take on life in West Street, but which over time has become an unnecessary (and at times quite unpleasant) intimate memoir of interest scarcely to anyone other than its author.
Are we alone in thinking that it's time for Councillor Dorrian to put up or shut up?

Write to us at Your e-mail will be treated in confidence if requested.


FelicityforCoastal said...

And to think in 2005 people in Boston were upset that she had to pull out of the General Election campaign....even 'photo opportunity Simmonds' is preferable!

karl marx said...

The election of any 'BNP' candidate to any Council is a blessing. It shows significant area's of lack of education that exist within our society. It shows the nation where we need to improve education because by voting for the 'BNP', these people have effectively cried to the rest of us for help.
I must agree with Cllr Dorrian that the 'BNP's' election isn't a result of what the 'BNP' can do but a reflection of what the BBI councillor's haven't done. And now we will see just how much one man can show up Boston on a 'British' National scale.
In reference to Cllr Dorrian's pig in muck quote (which pig's everywhere are fuming at the comparison made between themselves and the 'BNP'), this blog states: 'She prefaces this unladylike observation...'. yet another example of the inherent prejudice members and supporters of the 'BNP' retain. It's not a coincidence or mass conspiracy that the media in Britain have referred to the 'BNP' as prejudice, racist, sexist; it's because they are. And in talking about Cllr Dorrian's party not standing 'doubtless because it knew that the result would have made it a laughing stock', I'm afraid the 'BNP' being elected has made the whole of Boston, a once great and noble town, a national laughing stock.
To finish, I find it worrying that in a world where technology and knowledge has never been greater in all of human history, that a man and a party that are so primitive, half-witted and short sighted, can be given a seat of power in a public domain. Mr Owens, let it be said, that you are not worthy to sit in that seat in Boston, hell, you're not even worthy to sit on the floor at the back with your legs crossed.