Monday, May 18

BBG poll says NO to buses in Bargate

Voters in the Better Boston Group poll asking for their opinion on the Into Town bus service travelling through Strait Bargate have given the idea a big thumbs-down.
Councillor Brian Rush, one of the organisers tells us:
"The poll was, in our opinion, a resounding success.
"I have to say that it was a pleasure to meet face to face with so many really nice people. There were a tiny amount of hecklers, but they were of no consequence.
"We were treated with utmost respect and friendliness from all sides, and thanked by everyone for giving them the opportunity to voice their opinion."
He said that the count appeared to be about three to one against the "invasion" of Strait Bargate. "This actually confirms the pre-experiment poll by the Boston Bypass Pressure Group findings, along with our own poll which we ran in the Target some months ago.
"We will of course present the actual outcome numbers from our poll once we have secured an independent overseer to inspect the results.
"In the meantime, the paperwork has been lodged with the Members Services Department at Boston Borough Council.
"Unfortunately two rather worrying incidents occurred regarding our action.
"First, we were absolutely disgusted to be shown a leaflet that was being distributed on the buses for passengers stating that 'AN ANTI BUS SERVICE group were to be in the Market Place running a poll.'
"It is well stated and on record that the Better Boston Group have supported the need for an IntoTown Bus Service. But we do question the operation, routing and costs of such a service.
"Sorry, but is that not what an elected member is supposed to do???
"How could a professional company stoop so low as to adopt such dishonest, underhanded methods?
"Blatant scaremongering?
"It may also reveal not only a very worrying situation, but suggests an obvious fear of possible outcomes of such a poll.
"We endeavoured to offer a free and equal opportunity for all sides. I defy anyone that attended to even suggest that we offered any opinions, suggestions or influence.
"I am absolutely indebted to the Leader's wife, Alison Austin, on her response to my invitation to attend our poll.
"She felt that I was in need of her guidance on how to Give Credibility to such a Poll, (see e.mail.).
From: Alison Austin Sent: 12 May 2009 07:21
To: Brian Rush
Subject: Survey
I am afraid that I have a prior commitment on Wednesday.
I would however like to know what wording of question(s) you will be using. Please remember that "leading" questions would render your survey invalid. If in doubt, please consult a professional on this matter.
In the same way, for a survey to be valid it must be carried out in a variety of different locations and on different occasions so as not to introduce "bias" . I would like to suggest, in order to obtain a balanced picture, you also erect polling points at each of the two bus stops either end - ie the ones in Wide Bargate and the ones in the Market Place so that you can get the views of people using the buses. Again, you may need to take professional advice on where and when to conduct such a survey.
The whole idea of "bias" in surveys is one which you must take advice on if your results are to have any creditability.
Aliosn (sic) Austin
"Now I don`t know very much, but I just thought that if you buy two coloured pens (£2.95), borrow two flip charts, make a visible sign that asks a very simple Yes or No question (£20.00) you may get a true indication of the opinions of the people that use that particular area.
" could print and send out thousands of leaflets, create an online poll, position leaflets in hard to reach places, (subject to stock availability,) make your pollsters pay for an envelope and stamp, all organised by some distant company, and pay mega thousands for their professional services and analysis to decipher a gobbledegook question. Then okay I've got it wrong, so very sorry Mrs Austin, I am just glad I was not in your class when you were teaching.
"So as her advice was unsolicited I am going to be bold enough to offer her some advice.
"Get yourself up among the people of Boston tell them who you are and what you think you and your group have done for Boston."

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