Sunday, May 17

One more day - then you can read BBG bus poll story

The Better Boston Group's poll asked a simple question:- Do you believe that the Into Town bus service should travel through Strait Bargate? YES or No?
"The poll was, in our opinion, a resounding success" - Councillor Brian Rush.
That was despite the efforts of bus company Brylaine ... "How could a professional company stoop so low as to adopt such dishonest, underhanded methods?"
And the pooh-poohing by a Bypass Independent councillor who was otherwise engaged on the day but advised... "If in doubt, please consult a professional on this matter." Guess who? Well, as the cross-party advice seemed materteral, rather than avuncuar, we'll give you a clue. Her name is an anagram of Liaisons Aunt.
Learn the outcome of the poll, the attempts to "spoil" it, the advice to the BBI's Liaisons Aunt, and what happens next - on the Boston Eye blogsite tomorrow ...

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