Wednesday, May 6

Buses are here to stay

Stand by not to be surprised.... it looks as though the IntoTown buses are here to stay.
A report to tomorrow's portentously named Overview and Scrutiny committee asks them to consider the review of the service and comment to the Cabinet before the council takes a vote.
In a nutshell, the lengthy report says that the service is a jolly good thing, beloved by everyone - and because there has not been an accident yet, there never will be.
Well what did you expect?
As a matter of interest, one thing that has not been discussed much is the way that the service impinges on other parts of Boston life.
The service has already cost us the Continental market and all but did for the Christmas market too.
And now with the May Fair in town we are going to see some other changes as well.
So that the blessed buses can continue on their route, the Wednesday and Saturday markets will no longer be relocated to West Street as they have for years.
Instead, they will be re-located on to the former Quik Save car park, with the loss of a considerable number of parking spaces.
The fair already takes around three hundred parking spaces out of the system with the loss of 158 from the Cattle Market car park, 102 from the Market Place and 79 from the Green - and losing the old supermarket site means that anyone trying to visit the town to combine a day at the fair with some shopping at the market will be hard pressed to find anything by way of convenient parking.
It really seems that the buses are now controlling everything to do with life in Boston.

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