Thursday, May 7

Party out of steam - but not hot air!

We note two seismic political events this week.
Thirty years ago Margaret Thatcher became our first female Prime Minister, and this week in 2007, the Boston Bypass Independents wrested control of the borough council from the party political system.
So we know of at least two silly old women with reason to celebrate this week.
But seriously, we wonder what members of the BBI will be talking about between themselves next time they're all together.
Will it be the internal wrangles that prompted so many defections from the party?
Or perhaps the drink drive scandals that saw two resignations from the BBI and their subsequent loss to other parties?
Will it be the disappointments over the failure to grasp such contentious nettles as the PRSA...?
Or the nonsense over the relocation of the Tourist Information Centre...?
How about the introduction of the unloved IntoTown bus service....?
Or claiming the credit for minor and obvious things like turning off traffic lights ...
Conspicuous by its absence this week is the letter to the local press that usually accompanies significant anniversaries achieved by the BBI.
Having celebrated the first 100 days and the first 12 months of the party with a paean of self-praise, BBI press officer Councillor Ray Newell seems more subdued this time around.
The same is true of the BBI's blogsite - unchanged since Tuesday 29th May 2007!
Has the party run out of steam?
Did it really ever have any to begin with?

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